13 Home Remedies For holding Squirrels Away

Home - 13 Home Remedies For holding Squirrels Away

Good afternoon. Now, I discovered Home - 13 Home Remedies For holding Squirrels Away. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and you. 13 Home Remedies For holding Squirrels Away

Squirrels may be a major thorn in your side. They spend gigantic amounts of time eating and digging in your orchad (or bird feeder) - but what can you do?

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You can take major steps and set out poison, but that has its drawbacks.

You can try and trap them, but that has its drawbacks too.

Or, you can try and repel them with straightforward things found nearby your house.

People have found all types of things that can be used for repelling squirrels, but as with all things - some work for some population and not for others.

Take for instance - mothballs. They used to be the number one selection to repel squirrels. Some population still swear by them, but the consensus now is that moth balls are undoubtedly useless.

So what can you use?

A survey of the net found the following 13 home remedies that population have used to repel squirrels.
Nutmeg and cinnamon Peppermint oil Capacin Jalapeño peppers (mashed in blender) Serrano peppers (mashed in blender) Cayenne pepper Chili powder Tabasco sauce Wd-40 Aspirins and peanut butter (crush 100 aspirins and mix with peanut butter) Dog hair clumps Hair clippings Used cat litter (placed nearby plants)
Some of these items you would place nearby your plants. Things like chili powder, cayenne pepper and similar things can be mixed with bird seed. Believe it or not, these hot spices don't bother birds but their unruly squirrel pals can't stand it.

If one home remedy does not work, try another. As said earlier, some population have more success with some than others.

As a last resort, there are industrial repellents which you can buy at your local hardware store. These obviously will cost more but are a stronger repellent and may have a better effect.

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